Amiga's now on sale. ==================== Escom shops in the UK are to sell Amiga's and Amiga Tech assure all Amiga users that the staff will have knowledge of the Amiga line. The A1200 is to come in two main flavours, Amiga Magic pack. £399 A1200 2meg Chip running Workbench 3.1 Wordworth V4 SE + Print Manager Datastore V1.1 Organiser V1.1 TurboCalc V3.5 Personal Paint V6.4 Photogenics V1.2a SE Pinball Mania Whizz There will also be a version with a 170meg Hard drive and Scala MM300 costing £499. Now onto the A4000T, what a beast but what a price! £2,230 A4000T running Workbench 3.1 25Mhz 040 I Gig Hard drive 6 megs of ram The standard software pack and Scala MM300 There is due to be an 060 based A4000T by the end of November and also there is due to be a new A1200 pack that might or might not include the following, A1200 + CD-ROM and extra megs of ram. Rumour has it at 4 megs of ram a double speed CD-Rom and an 030 processor. This new was gathered from the Amiga Press release from Amiga Technologies UK. Madness END ===